Installed Capacity (MW)
Year of Commissioning
Annual Energy Production from Wind (MWh)
ENERCON, E-82, 2,35 MW
Avoided CO2 per Year (Tons)
Equivalent Household Consumption
The wind power plant HAGN is one of the biggest wind parks in the Austrian federal province Lower Austria, located 40 km north of Vienna. The wind park consists of 20 ENERCON E-82, 2,35 megawatt turbines with an overall capacity of 47 megawatt. The wind park is connected to the medium and high-voltage grid of the local energy provider Netz Niederösterreich. The wind park was completed in 2013 and went into operation at the end of that year. An inaugural ceremony was conducted on 5 May, 2014 in Althöflein, which is part of one of the four involved towns: Großkrut, Altlichtenwarth, Hauskirchen and Neusiedl/Zaya. A contract regulating the feed-in remuneration has been negotiated for 13 years. The company ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH holds 95% of the assets and a regional partner 5%.