Installed Capacity (MW)
Year of Commissioning
Annual Energy Production from Wind (MWh)
ENERCON, E-101, 3,05 MW
Avoided CO2 per Year (Tons)
Equivalent Household Consumption
The wind park Deutsch-Haslau consists of six ENERCON turbines of the type E-101 with a capacity of 3,05 megawatt each and an overall capacity of 18,3 megawatt. The wind park is located 40 km southeast of Vienna and connected to the medium voltage grid of Burgenland Netz. It is a communal project in which 62% are owned by ContourGlobal erneuerbare Energie Europa GmbH, 20% by Energie Burgenland Windkraft GmbH and 18% by a regional partner Deutsch Haslau Energie GmbH. Commercial operations started in 2014. An inaugural ceremony was held on 25 August, 2014 in Deutsch Haslau which is a district of Prellenkirchen, one of the participating communities. A contract for the feed-in remuneration has been negotiated for 13 years.