Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

With this frequently asked questions (FAQ) section we aim at answering urgent questions regarding wind energy and ContourGlobal’s activities. Whether you are looking for insights into wind technology, or whether you are curious about our projects or even consider a career with us, the FAQs are organized in such a way that they help you better understand the crucial role of wind energy in Austria and worldwide. Explore the sections below to learn more about wind technology, environmental effects, and market dynamics as well as opportunities at ContourGlobal. 

Our frequently asked questions are divided into the following categories:

1.  General Information about Wind Energy

2. About ContourGlobal 

3. Projects

4. Career

1. General Information about Wind Energy

  • Grid Connection

    Surplus wind energy can be retained in battery storage systems or transferred to neighboring regions via high-voltage lines.

    Yes, wind turbines can be connected to existing power grids. However, updates or extensions may be required in order to manage the excess energy load. 

    Yes, it is possible to disconnect wind turbines from the grid for network updates or maintenance works. However, careful planning is required in such instances in order to avoid power outages.

    Wind turbines connected to a power grid are a reliable source of renewable electricity, reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and may help in stabilizing electricity prices.

    Wind turbines operate best at a constant wind flow but are also able to produce electricity at varying wind speeds. Typically, the wind flow is between 7 mph and 56 mph (11 km/h to 90 km/h).

    The integration of wind turbines into existing power grids requires a connection to a transformer substation, the management of voltage stability and variable frequency as well as the accordance with existing grid regulations. 

    The infrastructure includes transformer substations, and also supply lines and convertors in order to connect the turbines to the main power grid. 

    Regulatory requirements may vary according to region but generally include official licenses, general accordance with regulatory requirements and the proof of environmental compatibility by passing an environmental impact assessment (EIA). 

  • Construction Phase / Installation

    Suitable sites for wind turbines are identified based on available data pertaining to wind velocity, the availability of property, and having a minimal impact on the environment. In each case thorough feasibility studies are conducted. 

    Transportation includes the handling of large components such as blades and towers which need to be hauled from the productions sites to the implementation sites using special-purpose vehicles and designated routes. 

    Wind turbines are anchored in the ground using concrete foundations that ensure stability and defy various weather conditions. 

    In general, a distinction can be made between off-shore and on-shore turbines. In addition, there are different sizes of rotor blades and generators to adapt the turbines to the respective environmental conditions.

    Periodical maintenance includes the inspection and upkeep of mechanical and electrical components. This is necessary in order to ensure efficient performance and long product lifecycles. 

    Periodical maintenance includes the inspection and upkeep of mechanical and electrical components. This is necessary in order to ensure efficient performance and long product lifecycles. 

    The costs of building wind turbines may vary significantly depending on the size of the turbines, the location as well as the logistics. In general, however, the cost may range between several hundred thousand to millions of Euros per turbine.

    The lead times for building a wind turbine may vary according to its size and the complexity of the project from a few weeks to several months.

  • Environmental aspects, environmental measures

    While there may be an impact on birds and bats, it is possible to mitigate such effects by choosing suitable locations and implementing mitigation measures. Studies show that the effects of wind turbines are marginal compared to other human activities that impact the environment.

    The time it takes for a wind turbine to compensate for the CO2 emissions that were caused as part of the production process is between 6 and 12 months. After that the wind turbines produces electricity for the rest of its product life without any additional CO2 emissions. 

    Moderne wind turbines are designed to minimize noise. Often the noise level of a wind turbine is comparable with a hushed conversation or wind noises.

    Wind parks alter the landscape. However, in order to mitigate the impact on the scenery wind parks must undergo an environmental impact assessment (EIA).

    Yes, approximately 90% of the components of a wind turbine are re-cyclable. There is ongoing research on improved re-cycling methods for wind turbine components such as the blades. 

    While in use, wind energy does not produce any air pollution or greenhouse gases. Wind energy also helps to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and thereby assists in the fight against climate change.

    Studies show that – if the site is conscientiously chosen and carefully monitored – offshore wind parks only have marginal effects on marine life.

    While wind parks may influence local ecosystems, a thorough environmental impact assessment as well as mitigation measures contribute to minimizing these effects.

  • Advantages of Re-Powering, The field of Re-Powering

    Re-powering encompasses upgrading existing wind turbines with new, more efficient models, in order to increase their energy production capacity and to improve the life-cycle length of the wind park overall.

    Re-powering increases energy efficiency reduces the demand for the development of new sites, and minimizes environmental impacts. 

    Re-powering helps in reducing the operating expenses, increasing the reliability, and creating new employment opportunities in the production and maintenance of turbines.

    Re-powered wind turbines may increase the operating duration of a wind park for 20 to 25 years or even longer.

    Yes, re-powering is cost efficient since existing infrastructure is used thereby reducing the cost for new installations.

    Technical challenges include the integration of new technologies into existing systems, ensuring structural compatibility and the handling of down-times during upgrades.

    Re-powering typically increases the energy production through the use of more efficient turbines and the optimization of turbine positioning.

    Regulations include environmental impact assessments (EIA), building regulations and specifications regarding grid connection which vary according to the respective federal province.

  • Technology, Operation & Wind Energy Myths

    Technology & Operation

    Wind energy is a type of renewable energy that utilizes the kinetic energy generated by the wind. Wind energy plants transform this kinetic energy into electricity.

    Wind energy is environmentally friendly thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Wind energy is replenishable and reduces the dependance of fossil fuels.

    Wind turbines utilize the kinetic energy of the wind in order to operate their blades which then spin an electric generator. The generator then transforms the mechanical energy into electricity.

    Modern wind parks are highly efficient, but always dependent on wind velocities and the technology used.

    A modern wind turbine may produce several megawatts of electricity which is sufficient to supply thousands of households with electricity.

    One distinguished between horizontal-axis wind turbine and vertical-axis wind turbines. Most common are horizontal-axis wind turbines with three rotor blades.

    A wind power plant consists of rotor blades, a nacelle, a gearbox, a generator, a tower and a controller.

    Larger blades capture more wind, thus contributing to an increased energy production.

    On-shore facilities may reach 200m in height, off-shore facilities may be up to 300m high.

    Myths & Facts

    No, through energy storage systems and smart network control systems the electrical grid remains stable.

    Wind energy is a valuable addition to hydroelectric power especially in winter when hydroelectric power plants typically produce less electricity.

    Wind energy is a valuable addition to other types of renewable energy and reduces the necessity of fossil fuel production.

    The reason why wind turbines are sometimes not operating might be due to maintenance, or the result of technical issues, or caused by regulatory measures.

    Yes, wind turbines are able to adapt their output in order to stabilize the grid.

    No, the existing infrastructure is being adapted in order to account for the requirements of renewable energy.

    Modern sensors switch off the facility if there is a risk of ice, thereby avoiding the risk of jettisoning pieces of ice.

    Modern wind turbines do not produce a lot of noise and a almost inaudible for residents.

    Selecting appropriate sites as well as the visual integration of the wind turbines facilities contribute to landscape protection.

    No, the emitted subsonic noise is below the threshold of perception and consequently unproblematic.

  • Wind Energy in Austria

    Sites are selected through wind measurements, terrain studies, and environmental impact assessments.

    Austria plans to significantly expand wind power to reduce CO2 emissions and decrease energy imports.

    Due to political frameworks and a lack of commitment to wind energy.

    Yes, particularly regions like the Weinviertel and Burgenland have sufficient wind.

    Many Austrian companies are successful global suppliers for the wind power industry.

  • Environmental Impact and Nature Conservation

    Resource consumption is offset by the clean energy output during the operational phase.

    Negative impacts can be minimized through careful site selection and technologies.

    Through recycling and environmentally friendly decommissioning methods.

    With careful site selection, the risk is minimal.

    Careful site selection minimizes environmental and conservation issues, reduces potential impacts on wildlife, and maximizes the energy efficiency of wind turbines.

    Ornithological studies assess the impact of wind turbines on bird populations. They are important for minimizing bird collisions and ensuring species protection.

    Studies show that animals quickly adapt to wind turbines.

  • Electricity Market & Economy

    Through a mix of equity, debt, and subsidies.

    Through tax revenue, job creation, and infrastructure investments.

    Larger installations, offshore wind parks, and the integration of storage technologies.

    In the long term, renewable energies can lead to more stable and lower electricity prices.

2. About ContourGlobal 

ContourGlobal strives for making a contribution to the regional Austrian as well as global renewable energy sector through the roll-out of renewable energy production sites. That way safe, sustainable and affordable energy is available for the market. 

Combining both, national and international expertise with a solid local presence, ContourGlobal is able to provide tailored and efficient solutions for renewable energy production in Austria. 

ContourGlobal has been active in Austria for 10 years and currently operates seven wind parts with an installed capacity of 162 MW. 

ContourGlobal operates seven wind parks with overall 57 wind turbines.

We aim to build a 1 GW pipeline.

3. Projects

ContourGlobal currently plays an active role in fostering the expansion of wind energy in Austria. There is a particular focus on those federal provinces that have not widely prioritized wind energy to date but would now like to place their focus on wind energy.

ContourGlobal currently plays an active role in fostering the expansion of wind energy in Austria. There is a particular focus on those federal provinces that have not widely prioritized wind energy to date but would now like to place their focus on wind energy.

When selecting sites for our wind parks, we place a strong emphasis on close collaboration and participation of the local community. We want to ensure that our projects are supported and fostered by the local community. For this reason, we pay close attention to the needs and concerns of the local residents. We ensure that our wind parks fit into the existing landscape and provide our expertise and professionalism for a thorough due diligence process. The most important factor for us are the people that are involved in the project and that benefit from it. Only through close collaboration we are able to ensure that our projects are beneficial for the environment as well as the local community.

4. Career

ContourGlobal offers various career opportunities in the field of renewable energy ranging from engineering to project management. All our work contributes to developing sustainable energy solutions. In addition to that, we also provide international career paths. When working for us, you may foster you career beyond national borders and contribute to a world-wide transformation to renewable energy.

We invest in the professional growth of our team members through continuous learning opportunities, professional development, and the active consideration of international best practices in the field of renewable energy.

We place a strong emphasis on competence, innovative spirit and passion for renewables. Our ideal candidates are the ones that would like to contribute to a change to renewable energy and make a positive contribution to the environment.

Interested candidates should consult our career page for current vacancies and apply directly online. We encourage applications from candidates of varied backgrounds that have a passion for renewable energy.

Besides customized training programs ContourGlobal Austria also offers the “Wind Academy” which – measured by international standards – provides one of the most comprehensive training programs focusing on the development and operation of wind energy projects. This program is a prime example that learning with us is never dull and that professional development has a strong emphasis!

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